Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Emma - German Angora Rabbit

Emma is a sweet German Angora rabbit. She had 4 kits July 4 of this year. I have one male left for sale. Emma produces 8 to 9 ounces of fiber every 3 months. I clipped her belly yesterday by laying her on her back on top of my legs. She hardly moved, which is really nice when scissor cutting a coat as thick as hers.

This is Emma again with a months worth of coat and her new kits. They are so cute and fast.

This is Emma's fiber and a pair of "Angora Bed Slippers". Angora is 6 times warmer than wool!

This is a picture of roving, 80% Babydoll Southdown (sheep wool) and 20 % German Angora. I plan on spinning this roving into a 2 ply and making a scarf. What I like about Babydoll Southdown is the downy soft feel (no itch) and with Angora added you get softness and warmth.


Jodi Renshaw said...

Your rabbits are gorgeous and I really appreciate all the info on this site.


Verona said...

I love your site and am honestly thinking getting a German Angora Rabbit for its fur. I'm a knitter and animal lover. Check out my site at: www.whatlifehastooffer.blogspot.com
