Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Miniature Angoras" - Jersey Woolies

Want to see some cute bunnies? Check out my newest additions. I have 2 blacks ( 1 male and 1 female) from the first litter and they are ready for new homes - have to do nails today. I also have another gray litter - different shades of gray and a mini-mini one that is so cute! These cuties are perfect alone or with a litter mate. At 8 weeks seperate males and females as they breed early.
Artistree is a wonderful show that is coming up November 27, 28 & 29. My daughter, Jessie, is hoping to have more puppets ready for this show. Mary Rose saw Jessie's puppets at Common Ground in my booth and she went wild over them. She started taking pictures and asking to use them in a news article to, hopefully, be put in the Bangor Daily News. Maybe soon we will all see Jessie's Fiber art in this wonderful newspaper. She also wanted this article ready before Artistree to promote Jessie's work. Maybe local newspapers in Augusta would be interested? Hum. Jessie has a special talent where she sees something and can redo it with fiber and make it her own.

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