Monday, January 22, 2007

Buck/Rams' Shed - occupied 1/1/2007

1/1/07 My husband, Bill, finished my Buck/Rams' Shed. This shed was built to keep us safe, provide shelter, and an exercise area for my 3 studs. This shed has made my job a lot easier. I can feed, and water the boys in one area. This shed area will also help when we breed our girls again as there is ample room for breeding and the boys won't have to work to hard. We plan on putting them back in their pastures when spring comes.

11/25/06 my husband started this "new" project to make my job easier. My son, Andrew, shown in front of my husband put in 2 good days of hard work.

11/30 - This is my husband putting metal roofing on my shed.

12/24 - Bill attached pig panels to posts he secured in the ground to make a safe area for them to exercise in.

Here are my 3 boys in their new pens. Great shelter and exercise areas.
The girls like to follow me around and check out what is going on with the boys.