Friday, October 14, 2011
"Eliminating the Effects of Footrot on Sheep Flocks in the Northeast"
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Olde English "Babydoll" Southdown Sheep - Halter Training
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Olde English "Babydoll" Southdown ram lambs
Spinnakees Fiber Farm - Natural fiber verses Synthetic fiber
Friday, May 6, 2011
Bond Issue LD 979 in Appropriations Committee
This is the bond issue for the proposed combined Plant and Animal Diagnostic Lab. The purpose of this bond is to support building a new, biosecure lab at University of Maine to improve what our currently separate plant and animal diagnostic labs now do. I would allow our animal lab to help large animal producers (like dairy/beef farmers and also horse/llama owners) and vets to diagnose diseases by performing diagnostic post-mortem exams on animals. It would also offer highly effective containment, helping protect people, plants and other animals against disease.
Our team here at UMaine Orono works with many types of agricultural producers all over the state. We offer services that aren't available elsewhere, and help the veterinary profession but also the farmers directly via service, education and consultation. I hope you'll be able to mention our connection over rabbit biosecurity, and the work we are doing with the sheep industry (
contacting your legislators about our Bond issue (LD 979) which is now in the Appropriations Committee.
Your legislator on the committee would be Senator Roger Katz at 207-622-9921 ( If you could phone or email and tell them you are a farmer, state your support and perhaps give a quick summary/narrate something about our contact or your experience with our lab/my speaking, it would greatly help our chances.
I look forward to visiting your farm (5-20... is that still good with you?) and seeing you at Fiber Frolic. Thanks! Anne
Assistant Professor
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Dept. of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Director, University of Maine Animal Health Laboratory
5735 Hitchner Hall, Room 136
Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
German Angora Rabbits at Spinnakees Fiber Farm
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Olde English "Babydoll" Sheep Shearer
Friday, March 25, 2011
Spinnakees Fiber Farms' "Primitive Lavanda Stuffed Wool Bunny"
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Spinnakees Fiber Farm purchased an amazing cake from Kennebec Custom Cakes
Spinnakees Fiber Farm's Jersey Woolys
Friday, March 18, 2011
Spinnakees Fiber Farm
Spinnakees Fiber Farm "Lavanda Pom Pets" and Easter Baskets from roving!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Olde English "Babydoll" Southdowns
Monday, March 7, 2011
Spinnakees' Fiber Farm "Slippas"
One slippa finished and the other is almost done. I love this "Babydoll"/Angora worsted weight yarn. I call it watermellon! Yum! Okay back to knitting and not eating. I worked alot on my website today and also with Dell, which helped the speed of my computer. Thank you lord!
With all this rain I had to save my chickens from their terrible plight. I had over 8" of rain in my barn. My chickens were on everything available. Half of them are in my cellar this evening. I was worried they would freeze. So much for knitting. I plan on at least finishing the last "slippa" tonight before I fall asleep. Next pair, as I promised, will have Mohair decorating them. I'll have "Fairy Slippas". Good nite!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Spinnakees Fiber Farm "Slippas"
They all give me beautiful Mohair!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Spinnakees Fiber Farm's Zenyatta - What a beautiful Keeshonden. Project: Farm helment.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Spinnakees Fiber Farm making Wool Cloth easily
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Easy Mitten Pattern available soon
I used 2 skeins of Maine worsted weight yarn: 4 oz/250 yards each. I still have 2 oz left to make a simple hat?
I have this yarn and will post it for sale soon on my website. Kelly of Romney Ridge Farm has this yarn for sale now. After I make adjustments to my mother's old mitten pattern I'll have the pattern forsale also. Her pattern tapered the tops of the mittens nicely and had a left and right mitten. I like the easier pattern of rounded tops and the thumbs are either right or left. Should be a nice pattern for beginners or for someone as busy as I am!
Friday, January 21, 2011
2 Skeins of yarn: 3 mittens using different sized needles, but not changing count of stitches
Working on thumb & picking up stitches on back of thumb: On right mitten I knit the first 2 stitches together on one needle then knit the next 2 stitches together onto the first needle and then took 2 stitches off the holder and knit them onto the 1st needle (total of 4 stitches). I then took 4 more stitches off the yarn holder and knit them onto the 2nd needle and then took the last 4 stitches off the yarn holder and knit them onto the 3rd needle. Continue knitting in the round until thumb is at desired length.
Planning to make a simple rolled hat out of remaining yarn and maybe make it a "kitten" hat with ears, eyes and whiskers. Will post when done!