This is Lilly with her twins! Born 3/16/10. They are both so cute. I would say identical except one is a ram lamb and the other is a ewe lamb. They are so friendly. Hopefully with 11 more ewes due I can keep them that way. They love to come over and sniff out what I'm doing. Too cute!. These twins were 3 pounds and 3 1/2 pounds.

This is Carmen with her twins born 3/18/10. Again a ewe and a ram. The ram lamb, is white, and is the biggest lamb I have had at 6 pounds. The ewe lamb, who is cream with brown spots, is about 3 1/2 pounds and born first. This is Carmen's 4th set of twins and she is the best mom!
Need to get a picture of Bailey's lamb born this am, weighing in at 2 lbs. So tiny, but healthy! Bailey's mom was Kluer. So what do I name her?
I have a knitting/fiber group that meets here Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm. So I'll have to show the ladies the new lambs. Hope they wear boots.