Monday, January 26, 2009

Fiber Maine-ia Event February 1, 2009, 6 to 8 pm at

January 18, 2009 our barn & sheep during the snow storm. What a beautiful storm!

January 19, 2009, Bill feeding our sheep.
Hermonie and Midnight eating.

January 25, 2009 feeding sheep on pathway up to our barn.
February 1, 2009, 6 to 8 pm, Beginner or Wannabee spinners/knitters are invited to bring your spinning wheel or knitting to Spinnakees Farm. We will have a demonstration of partially, clipping a German Angora Rabbit, spinning its fiber and providing kits ($20) for you to try yourself. We are hoping to also have a demo on Continental Knitting and needle felting.
We are planning another meeting for Beginners February 8 same time and an advanced group February 15 with a demo of double drafting and another partial clip of one of my German Angora Rabbits. I'd like to see what kind of interest there is in the Gentle Giants and share a fact sheet and a simple knitted Mobias Angora/Wool headband pattern as part of my kit, which will also include a wool/mohair blend of roving, Angora Roving and raw Angora. I have the yarn spun, which is one strand Angora and one strand wool/mohair and hope to have the headband completed by Sunday to show what it looks like. Hope you can make it! My number is listed on Betty

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

German Angora Rabbit Clipped 8 oz fiber

This is a picture of Charlie my German Angora Rabbit. Charlie gave me 8 oz of prime fiber. I now have 11 German Angora Rabbits. Each rabbit gives me from 8 to 12 oz of fiber every 3 months! This is so hard to imagine. I have been practicing double drafting, which was in a previous article of Spin-off magazine. Once you get the hang of it you don't want to stop. It is an easy way to spin almost any short fiber staple. I would like to invite some of you ladies to join me here at my home to spin/knit February 1 at 6 pm. It doesn't matter if you are just a beginner or a pro. Come have coffee, bring something to share (food is always welcome). I have roving to purchase, if you would like to try something different? Or just come and have fun. I have recently had 2 new spinners, Charlotte and Cassy come to my farm and would love to see them join us. I use to belong to a spinning group that seemed to disappear after about 7 years. I now belong to a rug hooking group that is "wonderful", as we have all become friends. So plan on coming and bring any new or old projects you would like to share with the group - nice way to learn. My newest project is Angora lined mittens - too easy!

Cameo sleeping and waking up with my Angora lined mittens decorating her! She is a wonderful retired Keeshond. I have another retired Kees, Ruffian, Cameo's mom, and hopefully when the economy recovers my other Kees, Isabelle, Cameo's daughter, will have a litter. These are wonderful family pets and their double coat are fun to spin. Wish I had time to spin it. My friend, Shirley Lizzotte, spins it and other dog hair into wonderful hats, socks and purses. So neat Shirley and she takes orders. Dog hair is one of the easiest fibers to spin. Hence when it came to naming my farm it had to be Spin na kees'.

Check out the Maine Agricultural Trade Fair in Augusta 1/13-15/09. Lot of great classes.