Friday, December 19, 2008
German Angora Rabbits
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Penelope & Sweetpea
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Locker Hooked Sheep Bag class at Halcyon Yarn in Bath, Maine 4/19/08
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Goat Feet - OPP and CAE Testing
Angora goats are wonderful fiber producers. I love blending their fiber with my shorter Olde English "Babydoll" Southdown sheep and German angora rabbits. I have been busy clipping feet. This should be done monthly and is a check to make sure they are healthy. I have been using a drop of LA 200 between the hooves as a preventative to any hoof rot. Tomorrow my vet Tammy is coming to give Rabie shots and test for OPP and CAE. I am a little nervious about this, but would rather be sure my animals are healthy. I already have them enrolled in the Scrapie Program so why not go a little further. I figure it will also be another good selling point and you don't want to sell any animal that is not healthy.
I'm off to Newport this weekend for the yearly spin-in. A lot of spinners go to this event to see old friends, share new ideas and just have fun. I'm hoping to sell alot of my fiber. I'm trying to create the softest, strongest and warmest yarn.
I offer beginer spinning lessons - using a spindle or a spinning wheel with the purchase of 5 oz of roving. I have some really nice blends that spin up easily. My friend Kelly at Romney Ridge Farm showed me how to update my website: Please check it out and let me know what you think. Now I'm off to spinning up samples of my roving I wish to sell into little skeins of yarn. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Winter - Goat Feeder
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Lilly, Hybrid Angora Rabbit (1/2 Satin, 1/2 German)
Lilly is my "old lady" and had a hair cut 2 days ago. She will live in my house until her hair is at least 1 1/2 inches long and we have some warm days. She gave me 4 oz in 3 months and it is a beautiful off white color with brownish tips. The cuffs of the knitting needles are the beginning of a pair of socks. I am using yarn I had spun at Green Mountain Spinnery. It is a blend of wool 60% and Mohair 40%. I am using tuffs of Angora around the top, strips and for the toes and heels of this pair of socks. I am hoping to keep this pair of socks and testing them to see how they hold up. The wool gives me the elasticity, Angora Warmth and the Mohair is for strength.