Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Olde English "Babydoll" Southdowns

Bailey is a ewe lamb born from Kluer one of my nicest Ewes I purchased from Dorla in New Jersey at High Rock Farm. Ursala is a ewe lambs whose mother is Carmen. Carmen had a beautiful set of twins and her wethered lamb is at his new home with Lois and Russell. Carmen twined last year also. All 4 of my lambs were cream with cinnamon stockings and heads when they were born this April. Ursala still has a dark head and socks. I usually have either black or white lambs and you don't usually see this combination of cream and cinnamon. Stranger yet is that I used 2 different rams: Figaro and Roy Orb. Both of the lambs have long bodies, which should produce twins in a couple of years. These ewe lambs are for sale. They are both friendly lambs and love to be hand fed. I plan on taking them with me to Olde Bristol Days at Fort William Henry, August 11 & 12, from 9 am to 4 pm. I will be set up with yarn, roving, mohair, kits, etc. in the Children's area. I had a great time last year selling items I made from my farm animals.